Monday, December 15, 2008

Sometimes nothing at all is a victory....

Here I am with no news to report. That's right, no news. Nothing lost OR gained. I am really OK with this.

I feel good. My body is adjusting to all the changes I have been making. My mind is adjusting to all the changes I have been making. Sometimes you just stay without major change. This is OK. This is also why we are only trying to lose 4 pounds a month. Slow and steady wins the race. It has taken a lifetime of yo yo-ing to bring me to the point that I am at today. The goal is to stop the yo yo-ing, and start living a normal sensible balanced life. One that is in better shape.

I am doing much better at the choices I make eating out.
I am doing more cardio exercise.
I am walking more often.

Progress is being made.
I feel better (my body feels better)

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