Friday, December 19, 2008

Mind body conection...

This whole new approach to working on my health has really forced me to think about who I am and what I want out of life. It is interesting, I think back to my various sizes and not only my happiness was a factor, but WHAT I was doing in my life at that time was a factor.

The body is way more in touch with your mind and spirit then we will ever give it credit. Working on one, will change the other... not working on one, will effect the other.

This being aware of my body is forcing me to be aware of my mind and spirit. I am looking at the things in my life that are great, and the things that need work.

Work. That says it all. Are we what we do? Sometimes as an artist you are what you do, what you create. I have lost touch with my body, because I have lost touch with my artistic self. I am not feeding my soul, so I am over feeding my body.

It may all sound silly, but it feels real, so I don't care. Part of all of this is getting back to who I am.

At the end of the day, you are the only one that is looking back at you in the mirror. Do you like that person? Do you like what they stand for, and where they put their daily energies?

Small changes can be enough to trigger great change.

This is all me. I am blessed with an amazingly supportive partner who will literally let me do whatever I want. The only thing stopping me, is me.

What is really stopping me then? Why do I sabotage myself? What am I afraid of?

At this moment there are more questions then answers.

It is OK, at least I am asking myself these questions.

If I have reasons to not achieve what I want.... I am safe in knowing I will fail. It is scary to think that maybe I could achieve everything I want.... that's not supposed to happen.

Wow that's a crappy attitude. This is my default programming. The glass is half-full (and filled with toxins)

This is the attitude I need to reprogram. If I remove my own roadblocks, I am more likely to get to where I want to be.


Is it all that easy? Is that it?

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