Monday, January 5, 2009

That time of year...

That time of year is now officially over. I am back at work, back in my own home, and grateful to have survived the holiday mayhem.

I think I saw enough food in one month that would've fed me for the next year.

What is that all about?

And (this includes myself) must one always bring something unhealthy over to a friends/family member's house when we pay a visit? To be nice? Here you go, something unhealthy that you will regret eating/drinking later... Cheers!


I am just as guilty as the next person... so how do we stop? If I want to be polite and bring a small something when I come over for a visit, what should it be?

Please post your suggestions.... Something that is not food or booze that would be a nice small token.

Happy new year

1 comment:

Nick said...

Yes, we do fall into that trap, don't we?

Gifts could include coffee, candles, guest soaps, picture frames, or flowers.

We should make a commitment for the next year -- when a host doesn't request food, bring something else. Is there a party host who doesn't dread getting stuck with all of those leftovers?!